Hello, I am Sarah-Jane Raya and I come from a beautiful island called Mauritius. I have always dreams to study in a foreign country to broaden my horizon and discover new cultures. Switzerland was my choice of study since it is considered to be the world leading in Hospitality industry. It is one of the beautiful places in the world with its breathtaking landscapes, scenic lakes and panoramic mountains.
I came to HTMi last year to study Postgraduate Diploma in Events Management. During my study, I got the chance to discover students from different countries and nationalities and learn about Hospitality industry.
In HTMi, we have more than 50 events, which are being organized by the students in different classes. As Postgraduate student in Events, I have the chance to learn events management through planning, running and evaluating. It was very challenging and interesting since it is “Learning by doing” course.
Through these events, I create new friends of different cultural background. Working in a team also gives me the opportunities to discover management and leadership skills. It also helps to reinforce and strengthen the bond relationship between students and staff.
Teaching is very interactive. The teachers are very sympathy, dynamic and passionate about their work. Role-plays, group work, simulations, seminars and doing Entrepreneurial project help me to be creative and innovative: “Thinking out of the box”.
Using of latest Technology in teaching makes the learning more fascinating. iPod/iPad are offered by the school to all students and this help to keep up-to-date to the latest trends and social media aspects.
I had also the opportunity to do my internship in a five star hotels for six months in Geneva. It helps me to acquire and deepen my experience in a challenging environment. In both my study and internship, a lot of emphasis has been laid upon “Guest Quality Service” and the “WOW effect” which make the experience of studying and working comprehensively valuable.
This year, I embark to a new programme called Event Management in Training (E-MiT). This course will certainly help me to acquire experience in training students, communicating and building up my knowledge in leadership and interpersonal skills. I encourage each and every one to never give up to their dreams and to be persevering in life.