HTMi Switzerland is very pleased to announce that we will be sending two teams to the Accor Takeoff! Challenge 2021. Best wishes to team one consisting of Ms. Nicole Pesantes and Mr. Mateo Manjarres both from Ecuador and Mr. Benjamin Juhasz from Hungary and to team two of Ms. Catalina Botea from Romania, Ms. Alsalwy Bashaar from Saudi Arabia and Mr. Htet Oo Hlaing from Myanmar.
Take Off! is the worldwide student competition organized by Accor since 2012. Our competition allows students to be evaluated by Accor professionals and by top tiered school professors with different cultural backgrounds! The competition challenges students from every corner of the globe with various issues connected with the group’s activities, such as loyalty programs, F&B services and lifestyle brands.
The topic for the 2021 Challenge is: Accor hotels in their communities. Let’s focus on the human aspect! where the teams are tasked with answering the question: How can all Accor stakeholders authentically engage with their local community, either through adapting existing initiatives or by creating new projects?
HTMi Switzerland is proud to support the efforts of Accor, the largest hospitality company in Europe, and the sixth largest worldwide. Accor operates in 110 countries and 5100 locations. Its total capacity is approximately 704,000 rooms.
We wish our students the very best of luck and success and hope they make it into the top 5 selected teams who will be invited to attend the Finals in Paris where they will get the privilege to pitch their CSR initiative to Accor Top Management and also have the opportunity of meeting Mr. Meet Sébastien Bazin, Chairman and CEO of Accor.
Anthony Lack, Head of Events Education and Planning, April 2021