We will take every participant on a journey to HTMi campus, where they will have a chance to interact with staff members and explore the variety of courses offered.
The event starts at 9:00 AM (Swiss Local Time) on Thursday, April 29th, 2021 and aims to provide you with a detailed overview of the programmes at HTMi Switzerland, along with an introduction to the Hospitality & Tourism Industry. Our prolific guest speakers will guide you through each step of your journey at HTMi and you will be given a chance to apply for HTMi Programs directly.
Thursday, April 29th, 2021
9:00AM (GMT +1): Introduction to Hospitality and Tourism Management
Mr. Tiago Fernandes, Career Centre Coordinator
Mr. Anthony Lack, Head of Events Education and Planning
9:20AM (GMT +1): HTMi, Leading Hotel Management Institute in the World
Mr. Anthony Lack, Head of Events Education and Planning
9:50AM (GMT +1): HTMi Courses
Undergraduate Courses
Mr. Anthony Lack, Head of Events Education and Planning
Postgraduate Courses
Mr. Jack Iveson, Head of Academic
Culinary Courses
Chef Andreas Kurfurst, Head of Culinary Centre
REGISTER HERE: https://htmi.webex.com/webappng/sites/htmi/meeting/info/02299e1478b841578e030caac5a26ee4?isPopupRegisterView=true