Normally HTMi presents all awards at the Graduation and Awards Ceremony,
however today’s recipient cannot be at the ceremony as he is getting married at
that time.
HTMi congratulates Vinoth Prakas, HTMi Group Director of Diplomatic Relations
and Director HTMi (Singapore), on achieving the rare Entrepreneurship Award
in 2017. This award is only granted in very rare cases where an individual
connected with HTMi shows an outstanding and significant contribution to the
success of HTMi, under very difficult and challenging circumstances involving a
lot of personal dedication, creativity and results.
In 2017, we have no hesitation in presenting this award to Vinoth, who has
been the key to building up our Singapore Institute, achieving our local and
international recruitment license there, smoothing our path internationally to
have strong diplomatic relations with Governments globally , acquiring large
projects both Government and private to lift HTMi brand in the Oceanic, Asian,
and African continents. All of this high achievement is in the face of strong
competition, and requiring high personal dedication. In addition to securing a
large training Government training contract to support the booming Vietnamese
hotel and tourism industry, Vinoth also secured a very valuable contract with
Mulpha Australia to have HTMi courses in 3 cities to start with, and more to
Vinoth is a true entrepreneur, and we are very proud of him, and very excited to
see what he does in the coming years for HTMi.
We also extend our best wishes and happiness to him and fiancee on their
upcoming marriage.
Ian Larmour, Managing Director, HTMi International Development Group