It has become a tradition at HTMi Switzerland to invite renowned guests from the hospitality field to come and visit our campus in Sörenberg and provide our students the latest insights from the industry and suggestions for their future careers.
This semester the event took the form of a Panel Discussion, as part of the Professional Image and Development Event (PIDE). Five hospitality professionals debated various aspects around one of the most controversial topics nowadays: “The Millennials”. Ideas such as the Millennials as travellers, as employees, as well as their career aspirations and expectations have been intensely discussed while carefully listening and analysing the views of the industry and of the students.
At the end of the discussion, some very interesting aspects about Millennials within the hospitality industry have been debated. For sure this will benefit our students in their careers, as well as in their future workplaces. We would like to share our gratitude to our guests who participated in the panel discussion:
Ms. Donata Caille – Recruiting and Career Coordinator, A-ROSA Cruises
Ms. Sabine Adam – Director Business Development & Key Accounts, Congrex Switzerland
Mr. Peter Kämpfer – General Manager, Park Hotel Weggis
Mr. Robin van Ieperen – Director of Banquets, Marriott Zurich Hotel
The Career Centre is looking forward to continue providing the most updated news and trends directly from the industry, so we inspire our HTMi students on the way to becoming future hospitality leaders.