Hosted by HTMi Switzerland, and powered by HTMi Cisco Webex, with the purpose to advance learning and innovation within all HTMi partner institutions globally.
HTMi Global Student Forum 2020: 11th – 12th November
International Hospitality and Tourism Research Conference
(Contemporary issues in hospitality and tourism)
Innovation Challenge – “Lead don’t follow, create don’t copy”
(Create a leading hospitality or tourism concept)
Bringing together all HTMi students globally.
“Nine partner institutions took part in the HTMi “Innovation Challenge” and were judged by fifty-six judges voting at HTMi locations globally. The research conference part of the forum focused on contemporary issues in hospitality and tourism. The forum was attended by over 200 students and staff with many innovative, insightful and knowledge enhancement outcomes. On day one of the forum, HTMi Switzerland’s 29 BSc (Hons.) students showcased their research in the form of poster presentations, which were judged by a team of academic faculty and students.
On day two the forum went entirely global and started with the six top teams from the “Innovation Challenge”. The students from each team were online and took part in the Q&A session after their respective videos were broadcast.
The forum was then joined by three international guest speakers. The afternoon session saw the four BSc (Hons.) finalists from day one present their research paper concepts.
We are sincerely looking forward to hosting the 2021 Forum. For now, here is the 2020 news and highlights:”
Your hosts,
Jack Iveson, Head of Academics, HTMi Switzerland
Anthony Lack, President of HTMi International Events Association