HTMi, Hotel and Tourism Management Institute Switzerland congratulates the Embassy of the Czech Republic on the Czech National Day Celebration. HTMi is more than proud to have our students once again supporting the Czech National Day Event on Wednesday, 23rd October 2019, which was organized for more than 90 highly important diplomats and representatives from the many foreign embassies in Switzerland.
Throughout the event, our excellent students demonstrated a high standard and excellent hospitality professionalism surpassing the satisfaction of the guests and organizers, leading to the impressive success of the event. Lastly, our HTMi students are very thankful to the Embassy of the Czech Republic by providing them this honoured privilege to participate in such a highly regarded event. HTMi Switzerland is very proud of its long and rewarding partnership with the Embassy of the Czech Republic in supporting many of their events each year and also thank our students for their consistent support, hard work and highest work ethics and standards.
Anthony Lack, HTMi Head of Events Education and Planning, October 2019